Your Vein Health

What You Need To Know…
You can have peace of mind and stop suffering from painful legs that feel full, tired, heavy or tight. Triangle Vein Clinic is central North Carolina’s foremost vein center for leg vein solutions. You don’t have to be embarrassed by bulging varicose veins. You don’t have to live with unsightly spider veins which are usually the first signs of vein problems. Leg pain, varicose veins and spider veins are most commonly the symptoms of a hidden cause. Your veins carry blood back to your heart. Inside the veins are valves that keep the blood flowing in one direction – toward your heart. If the valves in your leg veins have weakened and don’t work properly it leads to varicose veins, leg pain, swelling, ankle veins and other leg health problems. This is a vein disorder called Venous Insufficiency, but there is good news. Dr. Medina is a long-time leader in correcting this condition, it is easily treatable and is covered by most health insurance plans.
Treatment options can include:

A Few Facts About Venous Insufficiency and Leg Vein Problems
It’s Very Common
Venous Insufficiency is estimated to affect 40 – 65% of men and women ages 35 and older in the U.S. It is more likely to occur if you stand or sit all day or for long periods of time.
Family History
If your parents or grandparents had varicose veins or other leg vein problems you may too. Vein disease is routinely passed down genetically.
Get A Real Check-Up
Leg veins do not get better on their own and can progress to more serious problems. If you are experiencing leg fatigue or varicose veins, come see us.
Modern Treatment
Triangle Vein Clinic is the local leader in all the most advanced treatments which provide the least discomfort while delivering maximum results. Contact us for help today.
Triangle Vein Clinic is the North Carolina Leader in Vein Health

Schedule Your Leg Vein Check-Up
Our offices are located in Cary, convenient to the greater Triangle area. Most of our patients say they wished they had gotten treated years earlier. Take the first step to healthier legs that feel better and look better too! Call us anytime. If you call on a weekend or after hours, we’ll call you back the next business day.