Skin Ulcers

Skin Ulcers Are Serious
If you have darkened skin on your ankles or legs that resembles a rash or have sores that heal slowly or not at all, you really need to contact us for an evaluation as soon as possible. Skin sores on the legs are most often caused by a condition called venous insufficiency. Veins have tiny valves that are one-way gates to keep the blood flowing in one direction, but sometimes the valves stop working properly. Blood pools in the wrong places and creates swelling in the legs, resulting in large, swollen veins – varicose veins – or even open wounds on the skin’s surface. Most often these wounds occur above the ankle on the inside of the leg. The leg may swell, and the skin around it may become dry and itchy and eventually break open. The wound itself typically has a weeping, raw appearance and is extremely painful.

Treating Skin Ulcers
Nearly 70% of all leg ulcers are the result of venous insufficiency. These ulcers will not heal with topical creams or salves. Triangle Vein Clinic provides interventional treatment of the ulcer to achieve wound healing. Once the wound has healed, you may be a candidate for a technique to correct the underlying venous insufficiency and affected veins to prevent any recurrence of an ulcer or other symptoms. If you have a leg ulcer, we highly recommend you come in as soon as possible. Please don’t put this off and risk infection which can lead to more serious health issues. Dr. Medina is a vascular surgeon and understands the intricacies of treatments needed for skin ulcers.
Get Help as Soon as Possible If You Have a Skin Ulcer
Most leg skin ulcers of this type will not heal with salves or creams that are applied to the wound. Triangle Vein Clinic provides the effective treatment and care your legs require. These ulcers are serious.
Treat the Cause
Venous insufficiency is usually the underlying cause of leg skin ulcers. Triangle Vein Clinic diagnoses the exact problem and provides the best treatments to meet your need. Triangle Vein is a certified vein center.
Stop The Pain
Correcting the underlying cause will end your leg pain and help prevent recurring ulcers or other symptoms of vein disease. Dr. Medina is the Triangle’s leader in vein disease remedy. Contact us today for a consultation.
We Are Here For You
Dr. Victor A. Medina and his highly trained and experienced staff team can make all the difference in the world in treating skin ulcers. This type of sores are very serious and can lead to infection and even worse problems. Even if you have a small “scratch” that seems to be taking a long time to heal, you should call for a consultation.