Spider Veins

What are Spider Veins?
They are small, visible, dilated blood vessels that appear just under the skin surface as red, purplish, or blue veins. Commonly referred to as spider veins, telangiectasias (the medical term) are vascular lesions that are commonly seen on the face around the nose, cheeks, and chin. Dilated blood vessels can also develop on the legs, although when they occur on the legs, they often have underlying venous reflux or “hidden varicose veins”. When found on the legs, they are found specifically on the upper thigh, below the knee joint, and around the ankles.
Easily Treatable With No Downtime
Spider veins are one of the milder symptoms of venous disease and typically more of a cosmetic nuisance, but, they can be a sign of venous disease that may require monitoring or treatment. Veins do NOT “get better” on their own. If you see spider veins in your legs or they are becoming more noticeable, we recommend you come in for our simple – but thorough leg vein check-up. Dr. Medina is a vascular surgeon and the Triangle’s “go-to-guy” when it comes to diagnosing and treating veins. Triangle Vein Clinic uses the most modern and effective treatments – including laser.

Who Is Most Affected by Spider Veins?
It used to be thought that women were most affected. However, research shows that 79% of adult males and 88% of adult females have leg spider veins. There are many health conditions that cause spider veins including diabetes, pregnancy, and circulation problems. Today it is now known that lifestyle and/or occupation is a very big cause. Both men and women who sit or stand for prolonged periods in their daily activities are at an increased risk of varicose veins. The development of spider veins may occur at any age but usually occurs between 18 and 35 years, and peaks between 50 and 60 years of age.
What If I Have Spider Veins?
They Are Common
Most adults have some form of spider veins, but for many, they are more of a visual nuisance than a serious problem. They can be eliminated with treatment.
Numerous Causes
For adults, they are more likely to occur from standing or sitting for long periods of time when working. They can also be passed down genetically.
Worth A Check-Up
Leg veins do not get better on their own and can progress to more serious problems. We recommend a check-up sooner, rather than later. Make the first step to healthier legs.
Explore Your Options
Triangle Vein Clinic gives you two options for eliminating spider veins These easy treatments could be done during a lunch break in the convenience of our office and require no downtime in most cases. Why not call for a consultation?