Facial Veins | Rosacea

Facial Veins are Dilated Blood Vessel
Sometimes spider veins occur on the face. These dilated blood vessels might simply be a visible reddish vein or a more pronounced patchy area. They are commonly caused by aging or sun exposure. Other facial vein causes may include liver disease, steroid use, genetics and trauma. Patients who have fair skin or who have rosacea may experience facial veins. While mostly a cosmetic concern, sometimes patients experience discomfort in the form of dull pain or a burning sensation.

Rosacea (roe-ZAY-she-uh)
This is a common skin condition that causes redness and visible blood vessels in your face. It may also produce small, red, pus-filled bumps. These signs and symptoms may flare up for a period of weeks to months and then diminish for a while. Rosacea can be mistaken for acne, an allergic reaction or other skin problems
Who Gets Rosacea?
It can occur in anyone. But it most commonly affects middle-aged women who have fair skin. While there’s no cure for rosacea, treatments can control and reduce the signs and symptoms. If you experience persistent redness of your face, come and see us for a diagnosis and proper treatment. The cause of rosacea is unknown, but it could be due to a combination of hereditary and environmental factors. Rosacea is not caused by poor hygiene.
Treating Facial Veins at Triangle Vein Clinic
For treating facial veins, we offer both advanced laser and traditional sclerotherapy treatments. You and your Triangle Vein provider will determine which treatment or combination of treatments is best for you. All treatments are performed in a comfortable environment by Dr. Medina, his clinical team, and the trained and specialized staff who are dedicated to providing exceptional care to all our patients. You will be amazed how quickly you can see positive results.
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