Compression Stockings
Unobtrusive Vein Therapy
Compression therapy is a form of conservative vein therapy that does not rely on surgery or a procedure to treat problem veins. Compression therapy usually involves wearing special stockings called graduated compression stockings that exert gentle compression on your legs for the purpose of improving circulation and alleviating the symptoms of venous insufficiency.
How Graduated Compression Stockings Work
Graduated compression stockings are tighter around the foot and ankle. The compression decreases as it goes up the leg. This “graduated compression” promotes the normal flow of blood up the leg. By applying external pressure to the vein walls, compression stockings work in conjunction with the calf muscle pump to assist the veins in returning blood to the heart instead of letting it settle or “pool” in the leg, which causes swelling and pressure on the veins.

Getting The Fit Right
Compression therapy relies on your ability to wear the stockings as directed. Our clinical team will advise on which level of compression is best for your condition, body type, and treatment. We will also measure you for proper size, train you on how to put them on, and advise on how frequently you will need to wear the stockings. Wearing the correct size is very important. An incorrect size can adversely affect your circulation.
Can Be A Required Prerequisite To Treatment
Insurance companies actually require treatment with compression stockings under doctor supervision before other methods may be used to treat the underlying vein problems. To consider coverage, the insurance companies require that compression therapy is used for a certain period of time. Our staff will share with you your particular insurance company’s time requirements. We will then schedule your follow-up visit to document the use of stocking therapy and ultimately move on to the treatment.
Designs And Styles That Fit Your Life
The compression stockings of today are fun colors and easier to wear. Just ask one of our Triangle Vein Clinic team members who wear them daily. We’re happy to show you! Even after the venous disease has been corrected, many of us still wear compression stockings when we exercise. We recommend the knee-high styles for long trips, too. A lot of people don’t realize it but graduated compression stockings are worn by athletes during exercise, airline pilots when flying, nurses, and people with jobs that require them to stand or sit for long periods of time. The good news is there are socks and stockings available to fit your lifestyle and work style.
Available For Purchase
Compression stockings are available for purchase through Triangle Vein Clinic. We offer the top brands in many styles, colors, and types. Our current patients may order via email since we have your measurements on file, or you may purchase them at your next appointment. If you are not a Triangle Vein Clinic patient, you will need to schedule an in-office appointment to get your current measurements. If you need help or an appointment call us, 919-851-5055, and we’ll get you set.
Compression Stocking Facts, Info & Tips
Not For Sleeping
They are great during the day when you need the support but are not for wearing to bed.
After Treatment
Most patients will need to wear compression stockings after vein treatment while healing.
Support & Circulation
Wear for support when exercising. Wear for circulation when sitting for long periods, like travel.